
Cohen-Bray House

Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland
1440 29th Ave. Oakland


Cohen-Bray House 
 Get Involved 
 Garden  Restoration 

Board of Directors

Lois Roach
 Karin Sidwell

Patty Reidenbach
Recording Secretary 
Dorothy Mason

Patty Donald
Hank Dunlop 
Chris Gilliland 
Paul Roberts
Lorie Shay

Barbara Donald
Mike Reidenbach 




Directions to the Cohen Bray house

The house is located at 1440 29th Ave in the Fruitvale district of Oakland. From the North, Bay Bridge or Downtown Oakland: Take Hwy 880 South- Exit at Fruitvale, go three blocks parallel to the freeway and take a left on Fruitvale Ave. Left on International Blvd. (Formerly E.14th) Take a right on 29th Ave. The House is the third building on the right.  Motorists from Walnut Creek take Hwy 24 to 980 to 880 and follow the directions above. From Points South: Take 880 North exit at 29th Ave. and continue East until you get to 1440.

   Click here for a connection to map quest to find the  Cohen-Bray House!

Cohen-Bray House

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Copyright 2005  The Cohen-Bray House

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Date Last Modified: 10/31/05