Cohen-Bray House Membership

Cohen-Bray House

Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland
1440 29th Ave. Oakland

Cohen-Bray House 
    Get Involved 
    Garden  Restoration 

Board of Directors

Lois Roach 

Karin Sidwell

Patty Reidenbach 

Dorothy Mason
Recording Secretary 

Patty Donald
Hank Dunlop 
Chris Gilliland 
Paul Roberts 
Lorie Shay 

Barbara Donald
Mike Reidenbach 


        The Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland (VPCO) and The Cohen-Bray House Membership information

Origin of the VPCO:  Upon the death of Emelita Cohen in 1988 the family faced a crisis.  Emelita, youngest daughter of the couple for whom the house was built, had lived in The Cohen-Bray House all of her 90 years; she was a formidable, successful advocate for maintaining the house in its original state.  What would happen now without this important and unifying individual at the helm?  Maintaining the status quo meant dealing also with a structure now more than 100 years old sorely needing upkeep and repair.  A decision was made among the heirs to give up private ownership, yet continue to love the house, live in it, take care of it, and most important, preserve it for future generations of Bay Area Californians.  They did this by forming a non-profit parent organization in 1993, The Victorian Preservation Center or Oakland (VPCO), to coordinate family efforts, govern the house, and safeguard its passage into a second century of life.

What the VPCO does:  The organization has two stated goals (one dealing with saving history, the other with the educational study of that history), namely: the preservation of the Cohen-Bray House and a dedication to the interpretation of Bay Area history and decorative arts as represented by the house and garden.   The house thus serves as focal point for the study of the culture and development of the Bay Area during the Victorian period and early 20th Century.  It provides students from this area and from across the country an opportunity to study the decorative arts and material collections of The Cohen-Bray House. 
Scholars participate actively in conservation, interpretation, and analysis of the period and in the study of the Fruitvale District of Oakland and of the Cohen and Bray families in a hands-on setting, using the artifacts available in the house and the resources of the community.

How others may use and assist the VPCO: 
The educational efforts described above allow use of a unique site by students of historic decorative design, restoration and preservation.  These efforts by scholars and others require broad-based support, financial and otherwise, from public and private sources within and beyond the immediate community.  The VPCO needs others to join with them as they offer this remarkable residence for the study and preservation of the past.  The organization needs contributions of time, ideas, materials, and money.  For those looking for first hand experience in historic preservation, keep in mind that the professional skills of architects, contractors, roofers, painters, carpenters, restoration specialists, conservators, curators, antiquarians, librarians, gardeners, landscapers are all currently needed at The Cohen-Bray House.  Whether you have these skills or not, you can help the VPCO enormously in many ways:        

The Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland (non-profit organization tax id  #94-3156522)  There is no other house quite like it in all of California or perhaps anywhere in the United States!

We are updating our mailing list and ask you to help us by registering below and becoming a member for this year.  We have no paid staff, no paid officers, nor do we receive funding from any public source. Our entire effort comes from volunteers.   Funds from your membership are used to repair and maintain the house and garden, both acutely in need of care at the ripe old age of almost 123! We need your help to keep out the rain, shore up the foundation, and revitalize the landscape.  Membership is open to all those who support the goals of restoration and preservation of America�s vanishing treasures.  Join us!

Regular events for the public each year at the house include:

  • The Mother�s Day Tea and Tour (May)
  • The Post-Christmas Tea and Tour (December)
  • The Twelfth Night Dinner (January)
  • Monthly Tour (4th Sunday of each month)

    For your membership you will receive:

        Our newsletter
        Discount on admission to above events
        A set of 6 postcards, interior and exterior views of the house  
        Invitation to a specified members-only event
        Most important, the satisfaction that you are helping to save and keep this astonishing repository of our Bay Area past!

-   Becoming a Member  

  • Yes!  I would like to join the Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland.  
    My check for $__________ is enclosed.  
  • I have already paid my dues for this year.  My extra gift of $___________is enclosed.

Annual membership covers July 2006 through June 2007.

___Individual Member    $25 ___Household Member   $35 
___Supporting Member   $50  ___Sustaining Member    $150

___Benefactor Member   $500  ___ Angel  $1000 or more         

Name_______________________________________________  Address_____________________________________________ City__________________________State_____ZIP___________ Telephone___________________________________________

Please mail to: The Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland,  
5245 College Ave., Suite 145, Oakland, CA 94618.                                 
Memberships and gifts are fully tax deductible.                                             

                                                           Thank-you   and   Welcome!